Компания Rhosonics принимает участие в выставке SME Mining

Среда 08 Мар 2023

At Rhosonics we started this year off with the determination to reach our customers to exchange knowledge and build new business relationships by sending our esteemed head of marketing and business development Frank Termeulen off to the United States of America to visit some customers and the SME mining exhibition.

Together with our Area Sales Manager of the Americas, Diogo, they visited some customers to get firsthand feedback on our products. Also, they visited Salt Lake City to visit customers and give presentations to engineering firms and end-users together with all the local representative Winn-Marion.

In addition, during their time in the states, they also managed to attend the SME mining exhibition in Denver. Here they developed their vast knowledge of the mining industry and met industry players, reps and customers who work in mineral processing.

At Rhosonics, we strive to be the leading expert in Slurry Density Measurement and are always working to innovate, inspire and grow.

Diogo & Frank
Diogo & Frank at the SME mining exhibition
Presentation Frank for an engineering firm

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