Rhosonics инвестирует в устойчивое будущее

Пятница 01 Июл 2022

For Rhosonics, a sustainable future is very important. That is why Rhosonics will donate €5000,- to WoodYouCare this year. This donation will be used directly to plant 1000 trees in an area of the world which could benefit most eg, India. The direct benefits include the reduction of 20 tons of CO2 emissions and in addition two new jobs for local citizens.

Sustainable future

For Rhosonics, it is seen as a responsibility to invest in a sustainable future. Our vision is to strive to contribute to a greener and smarter industry. We see it as our primary job to develop and supply reliable measuring technologies. This in turn will allow our customers and partners to optimize their production processes and become more sustainable and efficient. This is why participating in WoodYouCare’s CO2 compensation program contributes significantly to this mission.

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