В компании Rhosonics появился новый региональный менеджер по продажам

Четверг 13 Апр 2023

We are thrilled to announce the newest addition to Rhosonics. Samir Rustamov joined the team in April 2023. He will be joining us as our new Area Sales Manager for Europe and CIS.

In his new role at Rhosonics, Samir Rustamov will be responsible for all commercial activities. Such developing both new and existing business and helping increase sales overall. He will work closely with our international and local distributors.

We are confident that he will be an asset to our organization and will make significant contributions to our ongoing growth and success. Welcome Samir!

For sales related questions, you can also contact:

Vitor Braz Global Sales Manager
Diogo Olivera Area Sales Manager Americas
Soufian Ettaibi Area Sales Manager Africa & Middle East
Asli Özgür Inside Sales Manager

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