Обед и обучение

Пятница 11 Ноя 2022

11 ноября мы были рады приветствовать Джоба Крюсвейка, менеджера по комплексным решениям для шламов в компании Weir Minerals, который провел презентацию для команды Rhosonics.

Job has significant experience in covering all aspects of the mining industry and kindly shared his time and knowledge to provide an introductory presentation to mineral processing within his field.

It was an informative session whereby elements surrounding the overall process related to mineral processing were discussed. Aspects of the crushing and screening involved to produce finely grinded ore were presented. Besides, Job discussed the importance of efficiently visualizing the need for density calculations in the mining industry.

This resulted in a pleasant conversation as the information containing the amount of waste material that consisted in supplying ore was extremely insightful to many attendees.

We look forward to welcoming Job back to Rhosonics in the near future to share further insights into mineral processing activities.

Job Kruyswijk (Weir Minerals) and Martijn Boerma (CEO Rhosonics)

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