Дерево для 3 кампании

Четверг 01 Июн 2023

Tree for Three Campaign

We are excited to introduce our latest initiative as part of our commitment, the Tree for Three campaign. For every three new followers on LinkedIn, Rhosonics will plant a tree through our partnership with “Wood You Care,” an organization dedicated to forest restoration. This campaign has several important objectives:

  1. Reducing CO2 emissions: By planting trees, we actively contribute to removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and addressing climate change.
  2. Mitigating heat stress: Trees play a crucial role in providing shade and lowering temperatures, creating more comfortable environments.
  3. Enhancing oxygen production: We recognize the essential role of oxygen for human and ecosystem well-being, and our campaign aims to increase its production. and lastly
  4. Promoting biological soil activity: Healthy soils support a diverse range of organisms and contribute to overall ecosystem resilience.

We believe that together, we can make a significant impact on the world. Moreover, each new follower brings us closer to our goal of creating a thriving forest for future generations.  As a result, we invite you to follow our LinkedIn page and share this post to help us build a greener future. Additionally, by joining our LinkedIn community, you can stay updated on our progress and engage in meaningful discussions about environmental sustainability.

How to Participate

To make the most impact that we can, we invite you to join the Tree for Three campaign through the following steps:

  1.  Follow our LinkedIn page: Simply click the ‘Follow’ button to join our network.
  2. Spread the word: Share this campaign with your network, inspiring others to join this worthwhile cause. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change.
  3. Stay informed: We will keep you updated on the campaign’s progress, tree planting activities, and the environmental impact we are making.

Join us today and become an agent of change as we strive to create a greener and more sustainable future.

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