SDM at Beni Amir Washing Plant
Measuring Task
Determination of slurry density in the output of a cyclone, mixing tank and two thickeners. Please find the general process conditions below.
- Pipe diameter: 335 to 584 mm (13 to 23 inch)
- Pipe material: Carbon steel with rubber line
- Solids: 15 to 62wt%
- Density: 1.050-1.800 g/l
- Temperature: 15°C-30°C (59°F-86°F)
- Flow velocity: 2.5 to 3.0 m/Challenge
- Improve process control with real-time density data
- Fully utilize capacity of separation processes, such as a consistent thickener underflow (target density)
- Calculate the total production output of the plant
- Use a radiation-free and reliable density meter
The Rhosonics SDM Slurry Density Meter is a good solution to measure the real-time density of outgoing flows in different separation processes for mineral processing. The measurements are reliable, stable and friendly to the human health and environment. Additionally, Calibration is easy and RSO training for radiation safety is not needed thanks to the ultrasonic technology.
During a period of nine months (from April 2018) the ultrasonic density meters of Rhosonics were evaluated by the team at the OCP Beni Amir plant. The SDM met the requirements of OCP and the team was satisfied with the easy calibration and stable measuring results.
The SDM ultrasonic density meter contributes to:
- Real-time (non-nuclear) density monitoring
- Indication of the pump efficiency
- Avoiding pump obstructions
- Calculation of the production output (mass flow)
- Ability to directly detect changing process conditions
- Reaching the target density and production output
- No nuclear costs such as certification or disposal
You can read the whole story about the success of Beni Amir in the case study. Click on the image below to download it in the preferred language.
Get in touch with Rhosonics for further information about chemical concentration or density control. If you want to learn more about our applications, then please also check our client cases and webinars.
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